Pilates in Tattenhall Cheshire

I offer mat-based Pilates classes for general health and wellbeing at The Barbour Institute in Tattenhall, Cheshire.

Pilates exercises aim to help improve posture, core stability, balance, coordination and flexibility. As I’m also a qualified Mindfulness teacher and Alexander Technique Teacher, I blend ideas from the Alexander Technique and secular Mindfulness practice with Pilates exercises to provide a more mindful approach. There is an emphasis on listening to the body, rather than moving automatically to allow a more gentle and sustainable approach to building core stability and improving posture, health and wellbeing.

You’ll need to bring an exercise mat for floor-based exercises as well as a cushion or Pilates head blocks and 1.8m resistance band or equivalent (e.g flexible, strong scarf, thick 60 dernier tights). Chairs are available as a support to help you to the floor if needed. People of all ages and fitness levels are welcome. People under 18 years of age need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Pilates Group Classes




Venue: Main Hall, The Barbour Institute, Tattenhall, Cheshire CH3 9PX

5.30-6.30 pm – Improvers & Intermediate Pilates

7.00-8.00pm – Beginners and Improvers Pilates

Payment/ Booking: 

Please get in touch first to ensure there is space, then return the booking form below. Once I’ve received your booking form, I can confirm your place, thanks. Please make your payment before the class. Bank details will be supplied.

If you need to pay by cash please bring the correct money to the first class of the block.

Many thanks.

Cancellation Policy: I am unable to offer refunds or carry over your booking to another block if you are unable to attend a class, unless for personal health reasons such as needing surgery, having a cold/ flu, having emergency dental or medical appointments. If I have to cancel a class you will receive a full refund.


Classes are in 4 or 5-week blocks starting and ending on a specific date (Please enquire for more details)

FREE- First Group Pilates class for all newcomers  

£40 for 5 sessions

£36 for 4 sessions

£30 for 3 sessions

£22 for 2 sessions

£15 pay as you go

Please book your place to avoid disappointment. Many thanks.

You are always encouraged to work within your safe limits and exercises can be adapted when necessary. We’d love to hear from you. For more information please get in touch.

More Information….

Mat Pilates

Wendy offers Modern Pilates sessions which are accessible for all. Modern Pilates is designed by physiotherapists and includes exercises to improve functional movement in daily life as well as traditional Pilates floor-based exercises.

What happens in a session? 

There will be exercises to develop core stability, balance and coordination, breathing, muscle tone and bone strength. We’ll also be mobilising joints, stretching and lengthening muscles and there will be a short relaxation at the end of the session. You are always encouraged to work at a level which is safe and comfortable for you.

Exercises are slow and controlled with the aim of improving body awareness, natural strength and ease of movement in daily life. There is an emphasis on developing postural stability and flexibility in daily activities to help us age well. Exercises are progressive building to higher levels over time. Wendy will always encourage you to work at your own level and rest whenever you need to. Classes include exercises in standing, sitting, kneeling lying on your front back and sides, on all fours and in lunge and squat position.

What do I need? Please bring a Yoga/ Pilates Mat, a cushion, a small towel to use as a thin head support and long resistance band/ scarf/ tie or pair of thick tights. If you have Pilates head blocks, these are even better. These are ideally 2.5cm deep x 30cm long x 20.5cm wide. Three blocks will be needed for side lying exercises.

Covid-19 Guidelines:

Even though Covid regulations have now disappeared please be mindful:

1) Only join a session if you do not have Covid symptoms. I would add, please avoid session if you feel unwell in any way at all, including having a cough, cold, tummy bug or flu symptoms.

2) Please make an informed decision whether it is appropriate for you to attend the sessions. If you are not vaccinated there is an increased risk of you catching Covid and passing it on to other people. You can be carrying Covid-19 and have no symptoms.

3) Please do not take part in sessions if you feel that you need to self-isolate e.g. if you have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19.

4) Please bring your own equipment. Please also bring a long resistance band or thick pair of tights or a tie, a cushion and a thin head support eg thin towel to fold. We need the tights for leg stretches, the cushion for side lying exercises and the thin head support for front lying exercises.

Make A Booking

Please click ‘Book a place’ and you will be taken to the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ). Please complete and return before making your payment. Many thanks.